Saturday, March 27, 2010

This is another gigantic thank you to all the people who contributed materials or money or support. I think they will definitely remember these past few months forever and many of the donations will stretch far into the next few years.
I only have three weeks left now which baffles me so I try not to think about it. I know I've been a horrible blogger. I don't think I was cut out for blogging exactly but I hope you've enjoyed it anyway.
tomorrow I am going to zanzibar for a few days and then to Rwanda for a week. I think it will be pretty interesting and I'm excited for a road trip. But it's getting harder and harder to think about leaving the village. Lately people have been so damn familial with me. It won't be a fun day.
But on the other hand I am anxious to eat a gigantic salad and drink beers with my friends. I wish I could combine Maine and M'Sangani. I think it would be a nice place to live.
I've just realized that I have too much to say for this blog site. So I think this will probably be the last unless I have some kind of tidal wave of inspiration. See you soon!